Hey everyone, I hope all is well as we near the final week before the end of the testing quarter. Yesterday I found out that I am now half-way through my exam experience as I passed REG, and in just a week, I take my 3rd exam, AUD. With that said, another week means another tip that I've picked up these past few months...
Tip #4: Understand, Don't Memorize
I briefly mentioned this last week, but I want to emphasize the importance of understanding the material that you study, rather than solely trying to memorize it. Of course there are acryonmys and formulas that you do need to memorize, and the best way to really make those stick is to continously reinforce them. But outside of those few exceptions, there's too much to try to memorize.
Similarly, laugh it off when you're not doing well on practice questions. They are practice questions for a reason. Focus on why you got those questions wrong, and even when you get questions right, always read the explanations to the other options to understand why they're wrong too. These tactics will help you furthur understand the material. In addition, any questions you don't understand, you should try to Google them. There are many other forums online where people answer past CPA questions from the popular review programs like Becker and CPAexcel and put things in easy terms to understand. I found this especially helpful when I was studying for FAR.
That's all I have for today. I hope you all have a great weekend!
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